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Anuncio de Congreso

Carlos Simón, ponente en la 70ª SRI Annual Meeting

SRI 70a annual scientific meetingEl Dr. Carlos Simón participará en la 70ª SRI Annual Scientific Meeting que se celebrará en Brisbane, QLD, Australia, del 21 al 25 de marzo de 2023. Vea a continuación el detalle de las conferencias en las que participará:


Jueves, 23 de marzo

The Microbiome and It’s Impact in Women’s Reproductive Health

2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Genital microbiome and fertility.

Carlos Simón, MD, PhD


Viernes, 24 de marzo

Reproductive Biology II

5:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. An Altered Endometrial Microbiome Activates Immune System and Defense Response in the Endometrium of Women with Reproductive Failure After IVF.

Marta González-Monfort, David Pérez-Villaroya, Yong Yue, Matthew Parks, Jun Yin, Inmaculada Moreno, Carlos Simón.


Sábado, 25 de marzo

Reproductive Biology III

12:30 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Decoding the Endometrial Niche of Asherman’s Syndrome at Single-Cell Resolution.

Xavier Santamaria, Beatriz Rosón, Raúl Pérez, Nanda Kumar, Javier González-Fernández, Estefanía Fernández, Inmaculada Moreno, Hugo Vankelecom, Felipe Vilella, Carlos Simón.